Hozhoni Days: A Test of Culture

Story by Michaela Leach

The Miss Hozhoni Days pageant is taking place March 29-30 in the Wahlen Gymnasium at Fort Lewis College, and will consist of speakers, powwowing, traditional food, and celebration of many Native American cultures. The pageant comes to a conclusion when the winner has been chosen as the new Miss Hozhoni. The pageant events are free and open to the public. In the...

Making Studies an Adventure: Study Abroad

Story by Michaela Leach

Over 200 students from Fort Lewis College are currently studying abroad at some point this academic year, comprising roughly 10 percent of the student body population. Studying abroad can be an option for every student, no matter what major or financial status may be. The first step in planning study abroad is making an appointment with Jennifer Gay, the coordinator at the International...

The Creative Visions of Dan Eldon

Story by Megan West-Fogarty

Open Shutter Gallery, located downtown Durango, is currently displaying work by Dan Eldon, a photojournalist.  In 1993, Eldon died in Somalia while on assignment at the young age of 22. Eldon’s sister and mother continue to carry on his legacy today. Open Shutter Gallery brought in an art exhibit that shows how Eldon’s journals were much more than just words. This exhibit...

The Creative Visions of Dan Eldon

Story by Megan West-Fogarty

Open Shutter Gallery, located downtown Durango, is currently displaying work by Dan Eldon, a photojournalist.  In 1993, Eldon died in Somalia while on assignment at the young age of 22. Eldon’s sister and mother continue to carry on his legacy today. Open Shutter Gallery brought in an art exhibit that shows how Eldon’s journals were much more than just words. This exhibit...

Behind the Blue Light

Story by Meryl Ramsey

Emergencies do not often happen at Fort Lewis College, but if one were to arise, a student has the option of using the call boxes located throughout campus for fast and easy help.      “They are for emergency purposes and when a person pushes the red button, the call is directed to the 911 dispatch, here in Durango,” said Arnold Trujillo, the chief of police at...
