A Glimpse into Gender Neutral Housing

Story by Madilyn Bates

The Fall 2013 semester brought a new housing option for Fort Lewis College students: gender neutral housing.

The Gender Neutral Housing accommodations provide a means for all students to feel comfortable in their new home.

The Fall 2013 semester brought a new housing option for Fort Lewis College students: gender neutral housing. The Gender Neutral Housing accommodations provide a means for all students to feel comfortable in their new home. “Sometimes it is more comfortable for people to room with members of the opposite sex,” Eric Smith, resident assistant in Animas Hall, said....

Looking Past Graduation

Story by Alexa Chance

The Career Services Center at Fort Lewis College hosted a graduate school workshop on Sep. 11 to help students with questions they may have about graduate school.

Guest speaker Paul Clay, a visiting instructor for the School of Business Administration, program, spoke about his experience with graduate school.

The Career Services Center at Fort Lewis College hosted a graduate school workshop on Sep. 11 to help students with questions they may have about graduate school.Guest speaker Paul Clay, a visiting instructor for the School of Business Administration, program, spoke about his experience with graduate school. “I try and find different people to speak at the graduate workshops every semester,”...

Campus Confrontation Ends with Professor Handcuffed

Story by Carter Solomon

Friday, April 5, 2013, an incident occurred between a Fort Lewis College police officer and an FLC faculty member. No arrest was made, and no injuries were sustained, according to a statement provided by Glenna Sexton, the vice president of student affairs. The incident is currently being investigated, and the officer is on administrative leave during the ongoing investigation, the...

Fort Lewis is Vaccinated for FLU

Story by Michaela Leach

On April 1st, many students at Fort Lewis may have seen an article announcing the shift in title from FLC to FLU. Mitch Davis and the rest of FLC marketing and communications office get together every April Fool’s Day to come up with a creative story. Ken Wright of the marketing and communications office wrote the piece, which was viewed by hundreds of students on Facebook. According...

In Support for the Aalands

Letter to the Editor

To Whom It May Concern:

On Wednesday, April 3, the college that I love insulted me. I attended Fort Lewis College in the late 1990s and until two days ago, had embraced it as my home.

My love for the Fort began when I was an 18-year old kid who had no idea what to do with her life. I was accepted at six different colleges and universities and chose Fort Lewis because of the small, family-like environment the college sold itself as. I tried out many different paths while at Fort Lewis, until I found my purpose and I found that purpose with the help of Chris Aaland. Chris was my boss in the Sports Information department, and under his tutelage, I was able to find my direction into sports journalism and public relations. Chris took me under his wing and I went from a green sports reporter, to editor-in-chief of The Independent and then on to a career in sports television.

Chris encompassed everything that FLC sold itself as – and I truly believe I would not be the person I am today without his guidance, dedication and selflessness. He was not just an employee in the Athletics' office - he was my teacher. When I heard that FLC fired him without cause, I was beside myself. He was what Fort Lewis had promised me back when I was a potential student – and he proved better than the Fort in the end.

Since I’ve graduated, I have held this institution in the highest regard. When they fired its greatest supporter, its champion for the last 20 years, a man who supported and loved thousands of students, FLC lost my trust and admiration. Shame on you both, President Thomas and Athletic Director Hunter. How dare you deny thousands of potential FLC students the guidance of such a man.

The tactics displayed on that day has tarnished the image of Fort Lewis College and I ask the community to band together and ask for the resignations of Thomas and Hunter, to restore some semblance of honor and respect that we should all expect from this college.

Hillary Niebauer
FLC Alum

To Whom It May Concern: On Wednesday, April 3, the college that I love insulted me. I attended Fort Lewis College in the late 1990s and until two days ago, had embraced it as my home. My love for the Fort began when I was an 18-year old kid who had no idea what to do with her life. I was accepted at six different colleges and universities and chose Fort Lewis because of the small,...
